Thursday, February 19, 2015

PARCC information

This year in Illinois we begin a new  state assessment called PARCC. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is a consortium of states working together to develop common assessments in Math and English Language Arts(ELA) in grades K-12. The PARCC has replaced the PSAE at the High School level.

At the High School, students in ELA III, Algebra II, or Integrated Math 3 will be required to take PARCC. PARCC consists of two tests; the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and the End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) . The two tests will occur during two separate "testing windows". The first window will be used for the PBA. The PBA is designed to be completed in the above mentioned courses courses after roughly 75% of instruction. At Plains, we will take our PARCC PBA beginning March 9th. The EOY assessment is designed to be given after roughly 90% of instruction has taken place. At Plains, we will take our PARCC EOY assessment beginning the week of April 27th. The testing windows are 2 weeks and will be done in the classroom.While the testing window is 2 weeks,  we will not use all of that time.

The PBA test will consist of 3 parts ELA and 2 parts Math. The EOY test will consist of 2 parts ELA and 2 parts Math. Students will take both components and the scores will be combined for a summative score.

For more information, please visit

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